This is a video by our great friend Samual Child (on the left). He's an actor out in LA. This shit is so funny!!! Definately check out his other episodes too. Enjoy!
The top-two photos in this bunch are by Dann Foster. The rest were taken by our friend Heather Carpenter. Thanks guys!
We had a great day and the other musicians were great! Brown Hill, from Concord, started it off with some great, original music with a dash of angst. Dan Blakeslee absolutely blew the crowd away with his presence in the natural amphitheatre that dominates Eagle Square. The sound there is absolutely amazing and it's an absolute shame that the city of Concord doesn't showcase Music and Stage there more often!!! It was so nice to play in there again.
Thank you to Brian Shea for hosting the event as well as everyone who showed up to support the musicians. I saw a lot of faces there that I had seen the night before at the Barley House! And then I saw a lot of those people in Henniker later on last night (9/30) watching Beechwood play at New England College. That is the scene that ALL of NH needs. Henniker/Tooky/Hopkinton/Concord/Bow has always had a little hub-thing going and it was out in force yesterday!!!
Concord was really hopping that day with the Farmer's Market, the Peace Rally and Oktoberfest all happening within a 2 minute walk from each other. Go Concord!!! It should be like that every weekend!
I'll post my film when I get it back. Yeah, I'm still shooting some film. Digital cameras are out-dated in 2 years, but my Nikon F has lasted me 16 so far and I've never felt held back. All digital is good for is sticking me in front of a computer for a couple of hours. That's all I have to say.